Now I've totally been obsessed with this trend since it hit the runways spring 2011, but since I have promised myself to remain thrifty, I have not found one that I liked that fit me nicely within my price range. SOOOo to satisify this trend craving I have been having, I have made one, and have decided to share with you all how simple it really is!
After this week I don't think my husband will leave me alone with his T-shirts. This is my 3rd skirt in less than 24 hours, I've been on an "up-cycling" kick since yesterday, and it just has not stopped.
This is how I did it, I found an old black L-sized t-shirt kicking around. Any size will do as long as you can fit your widest part into it's widest part, the T-skirt will work!
I know amazing right, free skirt from old men's shirt, yay T-SKIRT. :) I dunno what struck me yesterday, but I had a Eureka moment.
Next I snipped open the top so I could jump inside!
Once inside I was able to pin the shirt snugly around my curves. Make sure your t-shirt material has a nice stretch to it, this way you won't need a zipper to get in and out of it!
I then sewed up one side then tried it on, I would have re-pined if necessary I didn't, so I sewed up the other side. Now just a note here, I am currently without a sewing machine, so this step would normally take about 2 minutes on a machine, but took me by hand about 15 minutes a side to double stitch. I chose to double stitch because I wanted the material to be snug and with a double stitch I am given the security that my butt's not about to rip out of my handmade t-skirt.
I am doing it all by hand so I choose to "lighting stitch" where I thread 6 - 12 stitches in the time I would do one or two normal ones. Lightening stitch also helps me sew in straight lines which can be hard free handed. The pic below is an example of lightening stitch. I lightening stitched the hem stitch.... not necessarily a good idea, but fast. The hem stitch came out okay, not my best by any means, but it works.... it's a free t-skirt!
Trim off the extras, I leave about 2-3cm edge from the seam.
I put the skirt back on and fold down the top to make the waistline hem and I pinned it into place. I used a hem stitch for the top so the stitched won't be visible from the other side. I didn't sew the waist line shut, I left it open so I could thread through an elastic waist band.
I cut an elastic waist band and was generous with the measurement. I attached a safety pin, so I could easily push it through the waist hem.
Once all the way through I attached clips so they wouldn't slip through while I smoothed out any flips in the band.
I then put a clippy like this, and tried the skirt back on to make sure that the waist band was at the right amount of tension, then re clipped, removed skirt, sewed the band together, closed the whole and trimmed loose threads.
I then trimmed like so in a stretched out "S" pattern, and Ta-da I have my very own High-Low, Mullet T-skirt!